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Animated Menu Toggle Button using HTML, CSS, and Javascript

  Hello readers, today in this blog you'll see how to create an animated menu toggle button using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. In our previous, blog we saw how to create neumorphism social icons using HTML and CSS. Now it's time to create a menu toggle button. I've also shared so many blogs on CSS Buttons. Don't forget to check these.

Nowadays almost every website has a navigation bar to present links in front of users. A menu toggle button is very useful for toggling the navigation bar. 

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In this design [Animated Menu Toggle Button] we have a button with an icon of the menu and when the user clicks on it the middle line of the icon goes right side and disappear and the upper line rotates 45 degrees and the bottom line rotates 135 degrees and both upper and bottom line makes a cross. If you are confused about what I'm trying to say so you can check the source code and preview as well.

Animated Menu Toggle Button using HTML, CSS, and Javascript [Source Code]

I hope you liked it. So if you wanna make it then you'll have to follow these steps, first of all, create two files first HTML and the second CSS after creating files make sure the file extensions .html for HTML file and .css for CSS file. Now, simply paste the code into your files. Now you have created a Neumorphism Profile Card UI Design. You can also download files.

Zip File's Password = InCoderWeb

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