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The javascript concept behind rotating the sticks or hands of the clock is first of all we will set an interval of 1 second which means the code will be written inside of the interval function, will be executed every second, in the set interval function we get the current hour, minutes, and seconds. After getting the current time, we need to find the degree to rotate the sticks or hands of the clock.
If you are filling difficulty understanding what am I trying to say, So you can check the source code and preview as well.
Analog Clock Desing using HTML, CSS, and Javascript [Source Code]
I hope you like it. If you want to create this. You'll have to create three files HTML, CSS with the extension for example:- For HTML - .HTML and for CSS - .css and for Javascript- .js just paste the given code in the files and don't forget to link the CSS and Javascript files to the HTML file.
Hurray! now you've created an analog clock design. You can download files by clicking on the download button after downloading file if you are facing any kind of problem feel free to ask me in the comment section and you can also contact me via e-mail. Thanks for giving your precious time for reading this blog. Here is the download button:-