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Copy to clipboard tool using HTML, CSS, and Javascript

 Hello readers, today we'll see how to make a copy to clipboard tool using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. In our previous post, we saw how to make Google Drive Link Converter using HTML, CSS & Javascript. Now it's time to create a copy to the clipboard tool using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

What's meant by Copy to Clipboard? The clipboard is a space where data is stored for a short period. Clipboard is used to share data between two applications.

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As you can see in the image above there are two textareas and one button. When you click on the [Copy to Clipboard] button then the text of the upper textarea will be copied on your clipboard. When you click on the button then it shows the [copied] message after copying the text. You can check the program (copy to clipboard tool) easily.

Copy to Clipboard Tool [Source Code]

I hope you liked it. So if you want to make it then you've to create two files HTML & CSS. you can name it whatever want but make sure that the extension of the HTML file is [.HTML] and the CSS file's extension is [.CSS] after creating these two files simply copy the HTML code in the HTML's file and CSS code in CSS's File. Make sure one thing that both files are on the same destination and link CSS File properly in HTML File. If you simply want to download files so you can download them here.

Zip File's Password = InCoderWeb

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