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Google Drive Link Converter using HTML, CSS & Javascript

 Hello readers, Today we'll see how to make a link converter using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. In our previous post, we saw how to make an awesome responsive product preview card using pure HTML, CSS.

It is a simple tool to convert google drive's shareable link to a downloadable link. Which can be used to convert a shareable link of google drive to a downloadable link.

Note = The link should be google drive's link and it should be shareable to make it downloadable.

To get the link go to Google Drive's website and right-click on the file which you want to download and click on the share button this pop-up will be opened as you can see in the image above simply click on change to anyone with the link then copy the link from there and paste it in the converter after pasting it will convert link from shareable to downloadable.

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In our design [Google Drive Link Converter], there is a single box in the middle of the screen as you can see in the image above. At the top, there is the title of the tool just after that there is an input where you can paste the link and get a converted link on the right side of the input there is a button to submit the link to be converted and after that, there is another input which is disabled and converted link will be shown in the right side of the input there is a button to copy the link. Watch the video tutorial of this link converter.

Video tutorial [Google Drive Link Converter]

Google Drive Link Converter [Source Code]

I hope you liked it. So if you want to make it then you've to create two files HTML & CSS. you can name it whatever want but make sure that the extension of the HTML file is [.HTML] and the CSS file's extension is [.CSS] after creating these two files simply copy the HTML code in the HTML file and CSS code in CSS's File. Make sure one thing that both files are on the same destination and link CSS File properly in HTML File. If you simply want to download files so you can download them here.

Zip File's Password = InCoderWeb

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